Le fan-club du Prisonnier
(créé en 1991)

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Les infos :
Nouvelle édition du livre "Le Prisonnier, une énigme télévisuelle"

Nouvelle rubrique Actualités

Le Village de la série 2009

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2 fans sur le site.

Pour nous écrire

Why ?

We had been waiting for it since their first offering published by Six of One in 1988, which was called "Who is number one ?". "the pennyfarthing project" is the English-language version of the first-ever French Prisoner comic book produced by two longtime admirers of the series.


What's this all about ?

"the pennyfarthing project" is not a sequel to the aforementioned comic book, but rather a story in its own right. In fact, the creative duo set out to evoke a moment in the prisoner's life which could be interpreted as a new Arrival. Our hero awakens in the Village. He has lost his memory. A very cunning Number Two is manipulating this special amnesia case to find out the reasons behind his resignation.Will our hero manage to stand up to his opponents ? What game is the charming N°7 playing ? Will we eventually learn why he resigned ?


Read all about it !

"the pennyfarthing project" can be approached from several angles. First and foremost, the reader will be captured by the bewitching Village atmosphere and by Philippe Cottarel's fine artwork. His talent has blossomed throughout his productions in "le rÔdeur", the French Prisoner fanzine. Then, you'll find yourself coming back to certain pages in order to better appreciate the layout (of which the introductory page of this order form gives you an idea), along with the subtleties engineered by Jean-Michel Philibert, whose plot is well-crafted and particularly full of references to the cinema.


Supervisor's note : This book should be savoured whilst sipping a glass of Irish whiskey. Give up the non-alcoholic vodka !



48 B/W pages, including plates specially released for the English-language version.

Front and back cover in colour, plus a 2-page colour spread.

Foreword which details the "making of" of the book.

First orders receive a commemorative postcard designed by Philippe Cottarel to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Prisoner screening in France (collectors' item).


To order, please send a £10 banker's cheque made payable to our UK representative, Jim Beaumont, 33 Wye Close, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX6 8NL. The price includes packing and postage.


"the pennyfarthing project" is a fan-produced publication of le rÔdeur. There is no personal profit involved. All the funds collected go towards financing the fanzine.


Authors' profiles

Jean-Michel Philibert founded the French Prisoner Group a decade ago and is the Editor-in-Chief of Le rÔdeur. He is a schoolteacher and novelist based in Saint-Etienne. Philippe Cottarel has had artwork published on a national scale, more recently in the X-files magazine. He lives in the South of Paris.

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Dernière mise à jour le 5 mai 2001.